You may wonder: Why Only Honda Motorbikes at Offroad Vietnam Adventures? Below are our reasons.

Russian Minsk – An Option When There Is No Choice

Two-stroke 125cc Minsks used to be very popular but to be honest Minsk motorbikes are rattletraps. You may hire this Belorussian road bike if you have a good knowledge of motorbikes and are prepared to carry a load of spare parts. We would give them a wide berth – they’re liable to break down a lot and if you’re in the remote areas of Vietnam you’ll find it difficult finding a mechanic with parts/ that knowledge. There are Honda mechanics everywhere though.

To be specific, Minsks provide 10 hp (Minsk 125) while our Hondas provide from 11hp (XR125L), 13 hp (XL125), 9.8 hp (CGL125) to 28 hp (XR250 Baja), and 30 hp (GB250), and even a Honda Wave 110cc gives you ~9 hp. Too bad with a 125cc 2-stroke engine! Please check out how they are different here. We own our bike fleet and don’t use rental bikes from any company. Every bike has a metal tank so tank bags are ok.

Honda Is Simply The Best In Vietnam

Offroad Vietnam Motorbike Adventures - Why Only Honda Motorbikes From Offroad Vietnam?

Honda has been the most reliable bike brand for Vietnamese road conditions. They have good shocks and very good engines. If you need something on the road, there’s always somebody who owns a Honda who can show you the nearest garage or offers a helping hand. This is extremely useful when you ride to mountainous areas.

In addition, Honda motorcycles are famous for fuel-saving, and for the same cc, a Honda bike can save about 50% fuel compared to a Russian bike, 20% over the other Japanese models like Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki. Therefore, the final cost when you use a Honda is likely cheaper than other brands.

A Word Of Warning About Chinese Win

Recently, many small motorbike rental shops in Hanoi rent or trade Chinese copy cat called “Honda Win” 100-110cc.

Be warned: This is straight out a lie! An original Honda Win came with only a kick-start and this model was discontinued in 2003. All bikes called “Win” that have electric starters, 100 or 110cc are Chinese generic products. Therefore, there is nothing to say about safety. A brand new Chinese one goes for around 500$US, however, a used bike costs only between 50-300$US. On the other hand, a genuine Honda Win was sold at 2,000$US brand new and even now a decent one would cost at least 1,000$US. We don’t rent or sell and buy this model but thought that this needs to be clear about real bikes and copy cats. Offroad Vietnam puts the safety and comfort of riding on top of everything. For more details about Chinese copy, follow this link.

Enjoy Vietnam and come back in one piece!

That’s it. We hope by now you know why only Honda motorbikes we use.

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