On this page, we will provide details of Honda CRF250L dual enduro spare parts prices. This is the current model, therefore not many generic parts are available yet. In fact, we use mainly original Honda parts.
About Honda Dual Enduro CRF250L 250cc
In case you want us to send parts for your CRF250L to your home country, then we are sorry we don’t export or sell parts.
Honda dual enduro CRF250L 250cc was made in Thailand by AP Honda in 2012. We use 2013-2017 models and parts will be Honda genuine and are expensive. Luckily, there are some third-party products for this model at the moment.
Below are the prices you pay us if you break/buy parts from our shop. The price in USD is quoted per unit unless otherwise stated. Please print out this price list for your future reference.
The important engine components are from the original Honda CB250R and CRF250L engines.
The below prices include labour work.
Part Prices Of Dual Enduro Honda CRF250L 250cc
Indicator cover: $US 10
Indicator base: $US 12
Mirror: $US 5
Clutch lever: $US 10
Front brake lever: $US 10
Clutch handle base: $US 30
Front brake disc: $US 60
Upper front brake disc hub: $US 15
Lower front brake disc hub: $US 50
Front brake disc hose: $US 25
Front brake shoes/pads (a pair): $US 6
Back brake shoes/pads (a pair): $US 10
Speedometer: $US 250
Head light (including plastic cover): $US 100
Tail light cover: $US 50
Front mudguard: $US 50
Gearshift: $US 15
Rim: $US $US 100
Front wheel hub: $US 45
Back wheel hub: $US 50
Front tire: $US 45
Back tire: $US 65
Front/back inner tube: $US 10/5
Handlebar: $US 20
Gas tank: $US 150
Front suspension (a pair): $US 350
Back suspension (Mono Shock): $US 250
Foot rest: $US 25
Left engine cover: $US 80
Right engine cover: $US 80
Side stand: $US 15
Exhaust pipe (silencer): $US 150
Seat cover: $US 20
Contact us now in case you want more details of Offroad Vietnam’s Honda dual enduro CRF250L 250cc spare parts prices.