This page provides some details about the Phu La people. They are one of the 54 groups of people in Vietnam.

Name Of Ethnic Group

Phu La (also known as Xa Pho, Bo Kho Pa, Mu Di Pa, Pho, Va Xo, and La Dun Dang)

Phu La People Population

12,471 people (2019 Census)


Lai Chau, Son La, Lao Cai, and Ha Giang provinces. In reality, the largest settlements are in Lao Cai Province.

Customs & Habits

The Phu La worship their ancestors and believe in animism. They live in various villages, each village containing about 10-15 households. The house is very simple with three rooms and a thatched roof. The oldest men, the village chiefs, and the lineage heads play a significant role in managing public affairs. Young people are free to choose their partner. After an engagement, the bride comes to live with her husband’s family. However, they organize the wedding one or two years later.

Offroad Vietnam Motorbike Tours - 54 Groups: Phu La People Of Vietnam. Phu La people, Xa Pho, Bo Kho Pa, Mu Di Pa, Pho, Va Xo and La Dun Dang minority, Phu La ethnie, montagnard


The Pu La language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman Group.


Men’s garments have a unique characteristic such as an open shirt with many glass beads and figures in a cross shape. Women’s dresses are embroidery with many colourful motifs. The women often wear square aprons that are embroidered with motifs and attached with glass beads sewn in parallel lines or in an eight-tipped star pattern.


The Phu La depend on farming using the slash-and-burn method and planting on terraced fields. They rear buffaloes, horses, and pigs. Basketry is another form of income and they are well known for their beautifully decorated bamboo and rattan articles. The Phu La often sell or barter articles for other commodity goods from other ethnic groups.

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