This Honda Crea Scoopy 50cc doesn’t require a licence to ride. However, it’s too expensive for a 50cc automatic scooter!
About Honda Crea Scoopy 50cc For Sale In Hanoi
The CHF50 is a scooter from Honda Japan. It is known as the Metropolitan in the United States, the Jazz in Canada, the Scoopy in Australia and the Crea Scoopy in Japan. It can reach a maximum speed of just less than 40 mph (65 km/h) on flat ground and a maximum speed of 43 mph downhill. The Metropolitan has a typical gas mileage of 80–110 mpg (US) (2.1–2.9 L/100 km).
While the CHF50 is one of several 49 cc scooters offered by Honda since the early 1960s, it is notable for its “classic” Vespa-inspired styling and modern mechanical parts. In the United States, it debuted as the Metropolitan in the model year 2002.
The CHF50 has a large lockable centre compartment. This storage box is below the seat, which can hold a helmet with room to spare. It also features locking handlebars that can lock the wheel at a 45-degree angle. So that makes it harder for thieves to push.
Only one scooter is available for 1,200$US. Best of all, you don’t even need a driving licence to ride this scooter.
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